§ 13. (All-)Wissen/Vorauswissen/
Bewusstsein/Sehen Gottes


0.    Allgemein
1.    Bibel
2.    Historisch
3.    Systematisch

§ 13.    (All-)Wissen/Vorauswissen/Bewusstsein/Sehen Gottes             (Texte)
0.            Allgemein

IKZ "Communio" 44 (2015) (113-115: Tück, Jan H.: Das Auge Gottes/116-129: Tück, Jan H.: Das Auge
    Gottes und der gläserne Mensch/130-133: Wenzel, Uwe J.: Durchschaubare Gesellschaft : über die Idee der
    Transparenz/134-147: Hoff, Johannes: Diesseits des panoptischen "Blicks von nirgendwo" : das "Schauen
    Gottes" bei Nikolaus von Kues/148-160: Schulze, Markus: Gott von Angesicht zu Angesicht schauen wol- 
    len : gehört die Sehnsucht nach der "visio beatifica" zur innersten Selbsterfahrung des Menschen?/161-170:
    Metzdorf, Justina: Das "Auge Gottes" in den Psalmen/171-178: Vorholt, Robert: Sehen und Erbarmen : der
    Blick Jesu im Spiegel des Lukasevangeliums/179-183: Leven, Benjamin: Secretum meum mihi : "Der Circ- 
    le", theologische Techno-Utopien und panoptische Kirchenräume);

WHAT GOD KNOWS. Time, eternity, and divine knowledge, Waco, Tex. 2005 (5-25: Poe, Harry L.: The
blem of time in biblical perspective/27-46: George, Timothy: St. Augustine and the mystery of time/
Stannard, Russell: On the developing scientific understanding of time/61-74: Polkinghorne, John
    C.: Time in
physics and theology/75-93: Craig, William L.: God, time, and eternity/95-120: Russell, Ro-
    bert J.: Eschatolo
gy and scientific cosmology : from conflict to interaction/121-136: Ross, Hugh: Time
    and the physics of sin/
137-160: Campolo, Anthony: Meeting the cosmic God in the existential now/161-
    175: Poe, Harry L.: Conclu

1.    Bibel

G.H. WILSON, Preknowledge, anticipation, and the poetics of Job, in: Journal for the study of the Old Tes-
    tament 30 (2005) 243-256;

2.    Historisch

J.P. ANFRAY, God's decrees and middle knowledge : Leibniz and the Jesuits, in: American catholic philoso-
cal quarterly 76 (2002) 647-670;

G.A. BOYD, Neo-Molinism and the infinite intelligence of God/D. WERTHER, Open theism and middle
ledge : an appraisal of Gregory Boyd's neo-Molinism, beide in: Philosophia Christi 5 (2003) 187-

M.J. CHOLBI, Contingency and divine knowledge in Ockham, in: American catholic philosophical quarterly
(2003) 81-91 (zu: Ockham, Wilhelm von / Tractatus de praedestinatione et de praescientia);

B.A. DAVID, Divine foreknowledge in "De civitate Dei" 5.9. The philosophical value of Augustine's pole-
    mic, in:
American catholic philosophical quarterly 75 (2001) 479-495;

B.A. DAVID, The meaning and usage of "divine foreknowledge" in Augustine's "De libero arbitrio (lib.
3.2.14-4.41, in: Augustinian studies 32 (2001) 117-156;

V.H. DRECOLL, Remarks on Christopher Beeley, "Gregory of Nazianzus on the Trinity and the knowledge
    of God. In your light we shall see light", in: Scottish journal of theology 64 (2011) 456-473;

J.G. HERNANDEZ, Divine omniscience and human evil : interpreting Leibniz without middle knowledge,
    in: Philosophy and theology 17 (2005) 107-120;

JOHANNES (de Polliaco)/Chr. SCHABEL, Parisian secular masters on divine foreknowledge and future
    contingents in the early fourteenth century : part 1: John of Pouilly's "Quaestio ordinaria" I, in: Recher-
    ches de théologie et philosophie médiévales 78 (2011) 161-219; (166-219: 3 Texteditionen)

S. METSELAAR, Are the divine ideas involved in making the sensible intelligible? : the role of knowledge of
    the divine in Bonaventure's theory of cognition, in: Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales 79

T.A. WARFIELD, Ockhamism and Molinism - foreknowledge and prophecy, in: Oxford studies in philoso-
    phy of religion 2 (2009) 317-332;

L.W. WOOD, Divine omniscience : Boethius or open theism? in: Wesleyan theological journal 45 (2010)

3.    Systematisch

D.P. BAKER, Divine foreknowledge - so what? in: The Heythrop journal 46 (2005) 60-65;

T.R. BYERLY, Foreknowledge, accidental necessity, and uncausability, in: International journal for philoso- 
    phy of religion 75 (2014) 

T.R. BYERLY, God knows the future by ordering the times, in: Oxford studies in philosophy of religion 5
    (2014) 22-48;

St.B. COWAN, The grounding objection to middle knowledge revisited, in: Religious studies 39 (2003) 93-

W.D. CRAY, Omniscience and worthiness of worship, in: International journal for philosophy of religion 70

Th.M. CRISP, On divine foreknowledge and Newcomb's paradox, in: Philosophia Christi 1 (1999) 2, 33-43;

A. CULLISON, Omniscience as a dispositional state, in: Philosophia Christi 8 (2006) 151-160;

M.R. CUTHBERTSON, Time, the "open acquittal," and divine omniscience : two internal problems with
theism, in: Westminster theological journal 67 (2005) 75-83;

J. DAUNER, Si Dieu sait tout, pourquoi prier? : l'omniscience divine et la prière, in: La Revue réformée 58
    (2007) 81-92;

J.H. GREEN/K.A. ROGERS, Time, foreknowledge, and alternative possibilities, in: Religious studies 48

J. GRÖSSL, Schöpfung, Ewigkeit und Allwissenheit : eine Antwort auf Thomas Schärtl, in: Theologie und
    Philosophie 89 (2014)

K. JONES, Divine sempiternality and "constructed" foreknowledge, in: Stone-Campbell journal 8 (2005) 1,

S.J. JOSEPH, "Seek his kingdom" : Q 12,22b-31, God's providence, and Adamic wisdom, in: Biblica 92
    (2011) 392-410;

L. LUNA CABANERO, Grim's arguments against omniscience and indefinite extensibility, in: International
    journal for philosophy of religion 72 (2012) 

W.J. MANDER, Does God know what it is like to be me? in: The Heythrop journal 43 (2002) 430-443;

Th. METCALF, Omniscience and maximal power, in: Religious studies 40 (2004) 289-306;

P.D. MILLER, The omniscience of God and human freedom, in: "And God saw that it was good". Essays
    on creation and God in honor of Terence E. Fretheim, Saint Paul, Minn. 2006, 145-153;

R. MILLIERE, Is God a zombie? : divine consciousness and omnipresence, in: International journal of philo- 
    sophy and theology 75 (2014) 

G. MUCCI, L'onniscienza di Dio si oppone alla libertà dell'uomo? in: La Civiltà cattolica 157 (2006) 7-13;

Y. NAGASAWA, Divine omniscience and knowledge "de se", in: International journal for philosophy of re-
on 53 (2003) 2, 73-82;

H.D. PEELS, Divine foreknowledge and eternal damnation : the theory of middle knowledge as solution to
    the soteriological problem of evil, in: Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphiloso-
    phie 48 (2006)

R. PETTAZZONI, Der allwissende Gott, Frankfurt 1957;

A.R. PRUSS, From restricted to full omniscience, in: Religious studies 47 (2011) 257-264;

B. RANDOLPH-SENG/M.E. NIELSEN, Is God really watching you? : a response to Shariff and Norenza-
    yan (2007), in: The international journal for the psychology of religion 18 (2008) 119-122 (zu: Shariff,
    A.F. and Norenzayan, A.: God is watching you. - In: Psychological science. - 18. 2007. - S. 803-809);

H. RICE, Divine omniscience, timelessness, and the power to do otherwise/G. KNIGHT, Universalism for
theists, beide in: Religious studies 42 (2006) 123-139/213-223;

M.D. ROBINSON, Divine providence, simple foreknowledge, and the "metaphysical principle" (zu: Hunt,
P.: Divine providence and simple foreknowledge. - In: Faith and philosophy. - 10. 1993. S. 394-
HUNT, Providence, foreknowledge, and explanatory loops : a reply to Robinson/M.D. ROBIN-
    SON, Divine
guidance and an accidentally necessary future : a response to Hunt, alle in: Religious studies
    40 (2004) 471-

Th. SCHÄRTL, Gottes Ewigkeit und Allwissenheit, in: Theologie und Philosophie 88 (2013) 321-339;

A. SCHMIDT, Endliche Freiheit in der Zeit und ewiges Wissen Gottes : ein umstrittenes Gottesattribut vor
Hintergrund des physikalischen Zeitbegriffs, in: Jahrbuch für Religionsphilosophie 3 (2004) 7-25;

G.W. SHIELDS, Omniscience and radical particularity : a reply to Simoni, in: Religious studies 39 (2003)

M.D. STALLARD, A dispensational critique of open theism's view of prophecy, in: Bibliotheca sacra 161

St.M. STDEBAKER, The mode of divine knowledge in Reformation Arminianism and open theism, in:
of the Evangelical Theological Society 47 (2004) 469-480;

Chr. TINKER, God's foreknowledge and prophecy : an application - part 2, in: The Churchman 118 (2004)

P. VanINWAGEN, What does an omniscient being know about the future? in: Oxford studies in philosophy
    of religion 1 (2008) 216-230; 

D. WHITCOMB, Grounding and omniscience, in: Oxford studies in philosophy of religion 4 (2012) 173-201;

Chr.J. YEUNG, Divine omniscience : is God's foreknowledge at risk in the context of contemporary science?
    in: Theology and science 8 (2010) 181-193;