A KIND OF MAGIC. Understanding magic
in the New Testament and its religious environment, London-New
York/NY 2007 (3-19: Pezzoli-Olgiati, Daria: From mageia
to magic : envisaging a problematic concept in
the study of religion/20-40: Nwaoru, Emmanuel O.: Magic
in the ancient world and African culture/43-56:
Holmén, Tom: Jesus and magic : theodicean perspectives
to the issue/57-86: Twelftree, Graham H.: Jesus the
exorcist and ancient magic/87-106: Becker, Michael: Magoi
- astrologers, ecstatics, deceitful prophets : New
Testament understanding in Jewish and pagan context/107-121:
Porter, Stanley E.: Magic in the book of
Acts/123-132: Jeffers, Ann: Magic from before the dawn
of time : understanding magic in the Old Testa-
ment: a shift in paradigm (Deuteronomy 18.9-14 and beyond)/133-146:
Tigchelaar, Eibert J.: Catalogue of
spirits, liturgical manuscript with angelological content,
incantation? : reflections on the character of a frag-
ment from Qumran (4Q230 1), with appendix: edition of
the fragments of IAA#114/147-159: Kunst, Chris-
tiane: The daughters of Medea : enchanting women in the
Graeco-Hellenistic world/160-172: Riemer, Ulri-
ke: Fascinating but forbidden? : magic in Rome/173-183:
Horst, Pieter W. van der: The Great Magical Papy-
rus of Paris (PGM IV) and the Bible/184-194: Peerbolte,
Lambertus J.: The "Eighth Book of Moses"
(PLeid. J 395) : Hellenistic Jewish influence in a pagan
magical papyrus);
Th.J. KRAUS, Amulette als wichtige Zeugnisse für das frühe Christentum
: einige grundsätzliche Anmerkun-
gen/A. MERKT, Augustinus, die Magie und die "magi ex oriente"/T.
NICKLAS, Zaubertränke, sprechende
Statuen und eine Gefangenbefreiung : Magie und Wunder
in den "Akten des Andreas und Matthias", alle in:
Annali di storia dell'esegesi 24 (2007) 423-435/463-483/485-500;