Heilige und andere Glaubensvorbilder
John Henry Newman
F. ATTARD, John Henry Newman. Advocacy of conscience - 1833-1843, in: Salesianum 63 (2001) 521-536;

J.P. BEQUETTE, Theological identity and narrative imagination : narrative theology in Newman's "Apologia"
    and "Loss and Gain", in: The Downside review 131 (2013) 464,

Chr. BLUM, Newman's collegiate ideal, in: Pro ecclesia 17 (2008) 310-325;

J. CAROLA, Newman and the Alexandrian Fathers, in: Gregorianum 92 (2011) 828-832;

M.D. CHAPMAN, Newman and the Anglican idea of a university, in: Zeitschrift für neuere Theologiege- 
    schichte 18 (2011) 

W.E. CONN, From Oxford to Rome : Newman's ecclesial conversion, in: Theological studies 68 (2007)

B. CONRAD, Ideengeschichte als Biographie : der Entwicklungsgedanke bei John Henry Newman, in: Zeit-
    schrift für neuere Theologiegeschichte 19 (2012) 

P. CONWAY, Rahner and Newman: men of letters, in: Karl Rahner : theologian for the twenty-first century,
    Oxford u.a. 2010, 61-76;

A. COOPER, John Henry Newman in Australia, in: The Australasian catholic record 89 (2012) 

L. CROSS, The Cardinal vanishes : John Henry Newman and the nature of Sainthood, in: New blackfriars 94
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J.A. DIAS, "Universal salvation and sacramental principle" : revisiting cardinal John Henry Newman, in: In-
    dian theological studies 47 (2010) 205-231;

J.A. DUDLEY, Newman's criticism of Aristotle's thesis that science is superior to ethics, in: Angelicum 88
    (2011) 465-479;

P.J. FLETCHER, Newman and natural theology/B.W. WARD, Religious liberty in the university : reflecti-
    ons on Newman's "Loss and gain"/D.J. LATTIER, Newman's theology and practice of fasting as an Ang-
    lican/D. DELIO, "Calculated to undermine things established" : Newman's fourteenth Oxford University
    Sermon, alle in: Newman studies journal 5 (2008) 26-42/43-55/56-68/69-83;

J.T. FORD, Newman as theological tourist/M. CHARCOSSET, Newman's memory of his Sicilian sojourn,
    beide in: Newman studies journal 3 (2006) 89-100/101-103;

H. FRIES, Recollections of a theologian : an autobiographical dialogue with Cardinal Newman, in: The Irish
logical quarterly 67 (2002) 251-264;

H. FRIES, Theological method according to John Henry Newman and Karl Rahner, in: Philosophy and theo-
16 (2004) 1, 163-193;

H.B. GERL, Weltüberwindung in der Gestalt der Entsagung. Der innovative Blick von Ida Friederike Görres
Newman, in: Katholische Bildung 103 (2002) 296-316;

H.B. GERL, Der Mann, der die katholische Kirche Englands neu begründete : John Henry Kardinal Newman
    (1801-1890) und sein Begriff des Gewissens ; zur Seligsprechung im September 2010, in: Katholische
    Bildung 111 (2010) 385-390;

H.B. GERL, "Sein ganzes Leben ist nur ein Suchen nach der religiösen Wahrheit gewesen" : Edith Stein im
    Gespräch mit John Henry Newman ; die Newman-Rezeption in den 20er-Jahren in Deutschland: der Mitt-
    ler Erich Przywara, in: Katholische Bildung 112 (2011) 3-7;

H.B. GERL, Wahrscheinlichkeit, Wahrheit, Gewissen : zu John Henry Newmans Methodologie/M. HAUKE,
    Der prophetische Dienst in der Kirche nach John Henry Newman
, beide in: Rivista teologica di Lugano 16

I.F. GÖRRES, Ein theologischer Streit unter Brüdern : Francis William versus John Henry Newman, in:
    Pastoralblatt für die Diözesen Aachen, Berlin u.a. 62 (2010) 335-345;

I.F. GÖRRES/H.B. GERL, Zur geistigen Gestalt von John Henry Newman : ein Entwurf, in: Pastoralblatt
    für die
Diözesen Aachen, Berlin, u.a. 55 (2003) 259-266;

F. GONZALEZ FERNANDEZ de ALLER, John Henry Newman : approaching process of canonization/I.T.
    KER, Newman on councils and their aftermaths, in: Euntes docete 63 (2010) 11-54/95-115;

St.R. GRIMM, Cardinal Newman, reformed epistemologist? in: American catholic philosophical quarterly
    75 (2001)

R. HILL, Typisch englisch : Kardinal John Henry Newman wird seliggesprochen, in: Herder-Korrespondenz
    64 (2010) 132-137;

J. HONORE, Newman et Rosmini, précurseurs de Vatican II, in: Revue d'éthique et de théologie morale
    (2010) 260, 33-50;

B. HORNE, Church and nation : Newman and the Tractarians, in: International journal for the study of the
church 5 (2005) 25-40;

B.W. HUGHES, The contemplative function of theology within liberal education : re-reading Newman's
    "Idea of  a
university", in: Horizons 32 (2005) 7-25;

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL for the study of the Christian church 1 (2001)(9-25: Vaiss, Paul: Newman's
siology in his pre-Oxford movement years : a historical anda critical view/26-42: MacGrath, Francis
    C.: John
Henry Newman and the dispensation of paganism/43-54: Weidner,Halbert: Newman's application
    of the offices
of the Church in the search for a reformed Catholicism/55-69: Boyce, Philip: Holiness as a
    mark of the church in
the writings of John Henry Newman/70-85: Brown, David:Phronesis, development
    and doctrinal definition/86-
102: Pereiro, James: Newman and Manning : the ecclesiological issues);

IKZ "COMMUNIO" 30 (2001) (397-411: Biemer, Günter: John Henry Newmans Aktualität/412-423: Brüs- 
    ke, Martin: Ist Newmans "Essay on the development of Christian
doctrine" eine Theorie der Dogmenent-         wicklung? : Vorschläge zu einer alternativen Lesart des Klassikers/424-433: Siller, Hermann P.: Newmans     Rede von der Providenz/434-449: Gerl, Hanna B.: Die Newman-Rezeption in den 20er Jahren in Deutsch-     land : Edith Stein im Umkreis von Maria Knoepfler, Romano Guardini und Erich Przywara);

J.M. JAMES/M.F. JAMES, Keble and Newman : tractarian poets, in: The Downside review 123 (2005) 157-

J. KEATING, Newman. Conscience and mission/N. MADDEN, Newman. Conscience, the matrix of spiritu-
    ality, beide in: The Irish theological quarterly 67 (2002) 99-112/145-151;

J. KEATING, Newman: theologian of prayer, in: The Downside review 122 (2004) 1-18;

A. KORITENSKY, Der frühe John Henry Newman über Glaube und Vernunft, in: Theologie und Philoso- 
    phie 88 (2013) 

J. KREIML, Theologie als Offenbarungswissenschaft : John Henry Newmans Vorlesungen über die Univer-
    sität, in: Klerusblatt 83 (2003) 15-17;

J. KREIML, Das Gewissen und der Papst : John Henry Newmans Brief an den Herzog von Norfolk, in: Fo-
    rum katholische Theologie 21 (2005) 40-47;

Th.A. KROSNICKI, Cardinal Newman's prayer, in: Ecclesia orans 27 (2010) 295-300;

U.M. LANG, Leidenschaft für die Wahrheit : zur Seligsprechung John Henry Newmans durch Benedikt
    XVI., in:
Signum in bonum (Festschrift für Wilhelm Imkamp) Regensburg 2011, 451-458;

G. LEASE, Thoroughly unmodern Newman/partially modern Davis, in: Religion im kulturellen Diskurs (FS
    H.G. Kippenberg) hg.v. B. Luchesi/K.v. Stuckrad (Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten 52)
    Berlin 2004, 357-376;

LOUVAIN STUDIES 35 (2011) 3/4 (221-223: Benedikt (Papst,XVI.): Message of His Holiness Benedikt
    XVI on the occasion of the symposium organized by the International Centre of Newman Friends/224-229:
    Geissler, Hermann: The primacy of God in the life and writings of Blessed John Henry Newman : introduc- 
    tory reflections/233-234: Dumortier, François X.: Newman and the search for God : introductory reflecti- 
    ons/235-248: Morrone, Fortunato: Newman, a passionate seeker of God/249-280: LaDelfa, Rino: Christ and
    the face of the One and Triune God in John Henry Newman/281-299: Ker, Ian T.: Newman and the her- 
    meneutic of continuity/300-308: Gallagher, Michael P.: Newman's pedagogy of formation towards faith/ 
    311-314: Grocholewski, Zenon: Newman and contemporary thought : introductory reflections/315-335: 
    Marchetto, Michele: The philosophical relevance of John Henry Newman/336-349: Merrigan, Terrence:
    Newman and religions/353-354: Dias, Ivan: Newman and Christian spirituality : introductory reflections/ 
    355-366: Beaumont, Keith: Newman on prayer : a "duty" with a view to acquiring a "privilege"/384-395:
    Orsuto, Donna: "At present, let us do what lies before us" : some insights from John Henry Newman for
    developing a spirituality of the laity/396-403: Dietz, Kathleen: Newman and divine providence/407-409:
    Nichols, Vincent: Newman and the mission of the Church : introductory reflections);

Ch. MacDANIEL/V.E. WOODS, John Henry Newman and Martin Luther : balancing heart and mind in
    higher education/R.C. CHRISTIE, Newman's aesthetic vision : theology and the education of the whole
    person, beide in: Journal of interdisciplinary studies 23 (2011) 19-40/41-57;

R. MacDERMOTT, Does John Henry Newman have a theo-drama? in: The Heythrop journal 54 (2013) 955- 

M.A. MACINTOSH, Newman and Christian Platonism in Britain, in: The Journal of religion 91 (2011) 344-

N. MADDEN, Approaching theology with Newman, in: The Irish theological quarterly 69 (2004) 323-336;

G. MAGILL, To live is to change : John Henry Newman on imagination and certitude, in: Listening 46
    (2011) 109-125;

T. MERRIGAN, Newman and theological liberalism, in: Theological studies 66 (2005) 605-621;

T. MERRIGAN, Résister à l'épreuve du temps : la théorie newmanienne du développement et son importance
    pour l'église contemporaine/B. POTTIER, Newman 1801-1890, beide in: Nouvelle revue théologique 133
    (2011) 28-38/39-44;

W.W. MEYER, A tale of two cities : John Henry Newman and the Church of the catacombs/S. SKINNER,
    History versus hagiography : the reception of Turner's "Newman", beide in: The Journal of ecclesiastical
    history 61 (2010) 746-763/764-781;

H.J. MEYER,  Ratgeber für heute : John Henry Newman und das Zeugnis der Laien, in: Herder-Korrespon-         denz 66 (2012) 299-303;

Th. MÖLLENBECK, "Innere Modernität" : John Henry Newmans Religion als Gewissensfrage, in: IKZ
    "Communio" 39 (2010) 589-596;

A. MORKEL, John Henry Newman und die Idee der Universität, in: Trierer theologische Zeitschrift 111
    (2002) 253-273;

G.L. MÜLLER, John Henry Newman begegnen, Augsburg 2000;

A. NAWAR, Zwischen Kontinuität und Innovation : John Henry Newman zu den Zeremonien der Kirche,
    in: Gottes
dienst 44 (2010) 164-165;

NEW BLACKFRIARS 92 (2011) 1038 (127-129: Turner, Geoffrey: The theology of John Henry Newman :
    introduction ; Catholic Theological Association, 2010 conference papers/130-143: Rowell, Geoffrey:
    Newman, the Church of England and the Catholic Church/144-156: Lang, Uwe M.: Newman and the Fa-
    thers of the Church/157-169: Kenny, Anthony: Newman and Victorian doubt/170-175: Duffy, Eamon:
    "That was then, this is now" : some comments on Newman's 1877 preface to the "Via media" and the mo-
    dern Church/176-188: MacDade, John: Episcopal and prophetic traditions in the Church/189-208: Bulli-
    vant, Stephen: Newman and modernism : the "Pascendi" crisis and its wider significances/209-223: Han-
    sen, Charlotte: Newman, conscience and authority/224-242: Loughlin, Gerard: The wonder of Newman's
    education/243-246: Lash, Nicholas: Newman and Vatican II/247-254: Meszaros, Andrew: "Haec traditio
    proficit" : Congar's reception of Newman in "Dei verbum, Section 8"/255-263: Strange, Roderick: New-
    man the pastor);

NEWMAN STUDIES JOURNAL 1 (2004) 1 (3-6: Ford, John T.: Cor ad cor loquitur - heart speaks to heart
    : edi
torial preface/7-19: Dulles, Avery R.: Newman in retrospect/20-28: Wuerl, Donald W.: Academic
    freedom and
the university/29-41: Chavasse, Paul: John Henry Newman: a saint for our times/42-48: Till-
    man, Mary K.: An
introduction to "The dream of Gerontius" by Cardinal John Henry Newman and Sir
    Edward Elgar/49-61: O'
Connell, Marvin R.: Newman and the Irish bishops/62-76: Ford, John T.: John
    Henry Newman: a spiritual guide
for the twenty-first century?);

NEWMAN STUDIES JOURNAL 1 (2004) 2 (5-15: Ward, Bernadette W.: Awakened from my dream : ill-
    ness and
spiritual development in Newman/16-25: Stravinskas, Peter M.: Newman the failure/26-37: Mor-
    gan, Drew P.:
Newman and the Oratorian idea of scholarship/38-47: Heisey, Daniel J.: Cardinal Newman
    and Benedictine edu
cation/48-61: MacCarren, Gerard H.: Are Newman's "tests" or "notes" of genuine
    doctrinal development useful
today?/62-89: Terril, Stephanie: An implicit model of "conception" in the
    theological papers of John Henry New
man on faith and certainty/90-101: Christie, Robert C.: The clash of
    evangelical doctrine with parish experience :
the overlooked catalyst to Newman's "great change in his re-
    ligious opinions" in 1824-25);

NEWMAN STUDIES JOURNAL 2 (2005) 1 (8-19: Dulles, Avery R.: Newman and the hierarchy/20-31:
Robert: John Henry Newman among the postmoderns/32-44: Short, Edward: A better country :
    Newman's idea of
public life/45-57: Talar, Charles J.: Newman in France during the modernist period :
    Pierre Batiffol and Marcel
Hébert/58-78: Athié, Rosario: "My dear Miss Giberne" : Newman's correspon-
    dence with a friend: 1826-1840/79-
82: Hickson, Michael: A cardinal performance);

NEWMAN STUDIES JOURNAL 2 (2005) 2 (6-23: Kudzma, Thomas G.: Grace and graciousness : the 1879
dresses and replies"/24-35: Linck, Joseph C.: The "convert of Oxford" and the "Socrates of Rome" :
    John Henry
Newman, Philip Neri, and the Oratory/36-51: Morgan, Drew P.: Awakening "The dream of
Christie, Robert C.: Newman's 1826 essay, "The miracles of Scripture", and the role of
    witness : the beginning of
his personalist theology/60-76: Ford, John T.: John Henry Newman as contex-
    tual theologican/77-85: Athié, Rosa
rio: Faith and doubt : Newman's example of friendship/86-94: Till-
    man, Mary K.: Mary in the writings of John
Henry Newman : a review essay);

NEWMAN STUDIES JOURNAL 3 (2006) 1 (5-11: Cross, Lawrence: John Henry Newman: a father of the
12-22: Miller, Edward J.: Warranting Christian belief in afterlife : testing Newman's "Grammar
    of assent"/23-33:
Schlatter, Fredric W.: Hopkins and Newman on poetry/34-44: Pino, Michael: The
    Church calendar in John Henry
Newman's "Loss and gain"/45-59: Short, Edward: Gladstone and New-
    man/60-72: Talar, Charles J.: The laity as a
factor of progress : John Henry Newman and Friedrich von
    Hügel/73-74: Morgan, Drew P.: Newman the business

NEWMAN STUDIES JOURNAL 4 (2007) 1 (5-23: Morgan, Drew P.: John Henry Newman - doctor of
    conscience: doctor of the Church?/24-37: Ream, Todd C.: Tales from two cities : the evolving identity of
    John Henry Newman's "The idea of a university"/38-54: Eades, Michael: Newman's adaptation of Bacci's
    "The life of St. Philip Neri"/55-68: Rosenberg, Randall S.: Newman on the relationship between natural
    and revealed religion : his "University sermons" and "The grammar of assent"/69-86: Maddox, Marty M.:
    Newman: certain knowledge and "the problem of the criterion"/87-89: Callam, Daniel: Newman's sense of
    the real);

NEWMAN STUDIES JOURNAL 5 (2008) 1 (15-18: Connolly, John R.: Newman's notion of the indwelling
    of the Holy Spirit in the "Parochial and plain sermons"/19-34: Mongrain, Kevin: John Henry Newman on
    ecclesial spiritual life/35-50: Ekeh, Ono: The phenomenological context and transcendentalism of John
    Henry Newman and Edmund Husserl/51-62: Poynor, Thomas: "How can these things be?" : Newman's
    Anglican sermon on "The Christian mysteries"/63-76: Graham, Donald G.: Newman's sermon on "The
    mystery of the Holy Trinity" : a response to Richard Whately?/77-86: Delio, David: A "multitude of subt-
    le influences" : faith, reason, and conversion in Newman's thirteenth Oxford University Sermon);

NEWMAN STUDIES JOURNAL 7 (2010) 1 (5-19: Miller, Edward J.: Newman on the tension between reli-
    gion and science : creationism, evolution and intelligent design/20-28: Lindley, Dwight A.: Probability
    and economy in Newman's theory of knowledge/29-44: Hughes, Brian W.: Une source cachée : Blaise
    Pascal's influence upon John Henry Newman/45-55: Shea, C.M.: Newman, Perrone, and Möhler on dog-
    ma and history : a reappraisal of the "Newman-Perrone paper on development"/56-72: Aguzzi, Steven D.:
    John Henry Newman's Anglican views on Judaism/73-96: Bao Luu-Quang, Vinh: Newman's theology of
    the immanent Trinity in his parochial and plain sermons : 1829-1834);

NEWMAN STUDIES JOURNAL 7 (2010) 2 (6-17: Stewart, Adam: John Henry Newman and Andrew Mar-
    tin Fairbairn : philosophical scepticism and the efficacy of reason in "The contemporary review" exchange
    /18-28: Saley, Robert: Two models of figural historiography : Newman and de Lubac/29-40: Kuczok,
    Marcin: Conceptual metaphors for the notion of Christian life in John Henry Newman's "Parochial and
    plain sermons"/75-97: Bao Luu-Quang, Vinh: Newman's theology of the economic Trinity in his "Paro-
    chial and plain sermons" : 1835-1841);

NEWMAN STUDIES JOURNAL 8 (2011) 1 (6-19: Crosby, John F.: A "primer of infidelity" based on
    Newman? : a study of Newman's rhetorical strategy/20-26: Krom, Michael P.: Gladly to learn : teaching
    Newman's "The idea of a university"/27-39: King, Lawrence J.: Newman and Gasser on infallibility : Va-
    tican I and Vatican II/40-55: Nguyen, Chau: Encountering truth : Newman's theological method in "An
    essay on the development of Christian doctrine"/56-66: Ford, John T.: Newman's reasonable approach to

NEWMAN STUDIES JOURNAL 8 (2011) 1 (5-17: Kelly, William J.: John Henry Newman : apologist for 
    the laity/18-31: Love, John D.: John Henry Newman's "Apologia" : personal testimony as a method of
    evangelization and apologetics/32-43: Morgan, Stephen: The Oxford origins of John Henry Newman's edu- 
    cational thought in "The idea of a university"/44-51: Horton, Joseph M.: John Henry Newman's vision of
    the residential college : the place of formation in the process of education/52-74: O'Regan, Cyril: John Hen- 
    ry Newman and the argument of holiness/75-88: Graham, Donald G.: Frank M. Turner on John Henry 
    Newman and development : an example of eisegesis);

NEWMAN STUDIES JOURNAL 9 (2012) (6-12: MacDermott, Ryan: John Henry Newman and the Oratory
    School Latin plays/13-25: Vilbig, Ryan: John Henry Newman and empiricism/26-34: Uno, Kei: John Henry
    Newman's educational ideas in Japan/35-37: Pigneri, Dominic: John Henry Newman's Whitehall preacher- 
    ship of 1828 : "Christmas day what a nuisance!"/38-54: Kuczok, Marcin: The Christian life as war in John
    Henry Newman's "Parochial and plain sermons" (1834-1843)/55-64: Canzona, Joshua: John Henry New- 
    man on miracles and skepticism/65-78: Palmisano, Joseph R.: John Henry Newman's methodology for the- 
    ological inquiry/79-90: Crile, James J.: A silent melody : John Henry Newman's "Fifteenth Oxford Univer- 
    sity sermon" as an expression of personal struggle);

NEWMAN STUDIES JOURNAL 10 (2013) 1 (5-14: Tillman, Mary K.: John Henry Newman: worldly wis- 
    dom and holy wisdom/15-27: Case, Brendan: "Notions" and "things" in John Henry Newman's "Grammar
    of assent"/28-40: Shea, Charles M.: The "French Newman" : Louis Bautain's philosophy of faith, reason,
    and development and the thought of John Henry Newman/41-55: Ford, John T.: John Henry Newman: 
    conversion as inference/56-67: Miller, Edward J.: The church "superintends" the university : "what, then,
    does Dr. Newman mean"?/82-95: Zuijdwegt, Geertjan: Richard Whateley's influence on John Henry New- 
    man's Oxford University sermons on faith and reason (1839 - 1840)/

NEWMAN STUDIES JOURNAL 10 (2013) 2 (7-17: Peters, Greg: John Henry Newman's theology of the
    monastic/religious life as a means to holiness/18-31: Long, David P.: John Henry Newman and the consul- 
    tation of the faithful/32-45: Wimsatt, Michael T.: John Henry Newman's view of poetry/46-58: Crile, James
    J.: John Henry Newman's "The Arians of the fourth century" : an embarrassment?/59-73: Continuity of 
    principles in John Henry Newman's "An essay on the development of Christian doctrine"/74-87: Rossi, At- 
    tilio: A sermon of John Henry Newman at St. Clement's : "On the nature of the future promise"/96-100:
    Ford, John T.: Retrospective review: "Cardinal Newman as a musician");

P.B. NOCKLES, The making of a convert : John Henry Newman's Oriel and littlemore experience, in: Recu-
    sant history 30 (2011) 461-483;

K.L. PARKER/Ch.M. SHEA, Johann Adam Möhler's influence on John Henry Newman's theory of doctrinal
    development : the case for a reappraisal, in: Ephemerides theologicae Lovanienses 89 (2013) 

W. PETERBURS, The rise and fall of the Anglican "Via media" of John Henry Newman : some implications
    for ecumenical theology/O. EKEH, Solitude and journey : two central themes in the spirituality of John
    Henry Newman
, beide in: The Downside review 129 (2011) 455, 1-21/49-76;

P. PHILLIPS, Newman, Vatican II, and the triple office, in: New blackfriars 94 (2013) 1049, 97-112;

D.J. PHIPPS, The beatification of Newman, in: Churchman 124 (2010) 227-250;

Chr. PRAMUK, "They know him by his voice" : Newman on the imagination, christology, and the theology
    of religions, in: The Heythrop journal 48 (2007) 161-85;

N.K. ROBERTS, Newman on the argument from design, in: New blackfriars 88 (2007) 56-66;

D. ROBINSON, The mother of wisdom : exploring the parabolic imperative in the early works of John Hen-
    ry New
man, in: Louvain studies 27 (2002) 153-170;

D. ROBINSON, Schools of the Lord's service : Benedictine ideals in the educational thought of John Henry
man, in: The American Benedictine review 57 (2006) 1, 60-80;

R. SAUER, John Henry Newman - ein moderner Kirchenlehrer, in: Pastoralblatt für die Diözesen Aachen,
    Berlin u.a. 63 (2011) 341-348;

St.G. SCHMIDT, "Ich selbst und mein Schöpfer" : Impulse aus der englischsprachigen Newman-Forschung,
    in: Die Neue Ordnung 61 (2007) 45-51;

P. SHERRY, John Henry Newman and William Froude, F.R.S./J.R. GRIFFIN, Cardinal Newman and the
    eclectic heresy, beide in: The Heythrop journal 52 (2011) 399-409/410-417;

R. SIEBENROCK, John Henry Newman (1801-1890) : Christsein in der Welt von heute, ein Modell, in:
    Theologie der Gegenwart 53 (2010) 134-149;

R. SIEBENROCK, "Episteme oder Phronesis" : das Vernunft- und Wahrheitsideal der Theologie und des
    Glaubens als wissenschaftstheoretische Perspektive des Modernismusstreites aus der Sicht des Werkes von
    John Henry Kardinal Newman, in: Rottenburger Jahrbuch für Kirchengeschichte 32 (2013)

J. STERN, J.H. Newman : de l'intégrisme à la Tradition vécue en Église, in: Nova et vetera 85 (2010) 281- 

A. THOMASSET, L' acte de foi chez Newman : quelques étapes de sa théorie de l'assentiment, in: Nouvelle
    revue théologique 135 (2013) 397-415;

J.M. de TORRE, Newman's struggle against the spirit of liberalism in religion, in: Homiletic and pastoral re-
    view 106
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K.D. ULKE, Newman als Essayist, in: Orientierung 65 (2001) 172-176;

UNA RAGIONEVOLE FEDE. Logos e dialogo in John Henry Newman ; atti del convegno internazionale,
    Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, 26-27 marzo 2009, Milano 2009 (11-29: Morris, Jeremy N.:
    Newman, the common tradition and the unity of the Church/31-38: Ker, Ian T.: Newman, modernity and
    conscience/39-47: Gallagher, Michael P.: Newman, Lonergan and the roads towards religious truth/85-
    116: Fenlon, Dermot: From the white star to the white rose : Newman and the conscience of the state/211-
    220: Dietz, Kathleen: John Henry Newman and the fathers of the church : the birth of an ecclesiology/
    221-229: Gerolin, Alessandra: "I wish you to enlarge your knowledge, to cultivate your reason ..." : John
    Henry Newman and Lord Acton on the education of the laity (1851-1862));

P.B. WODRAZKA, Hosanna - Crucifige - Alleluja! : Gedanken aus den Predigten des seligen Kardinal John
    Henry Newman (1801-1890) zur Heiligen Woche, in: Theologisches 41 (2011) 3/4, 131-136;

M. WYNN, The relationship of religion and ethics : a comparison of Newman and contemporary philosophy
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G. ZUIJDWEGT, Newman's disputed honesty : a case study in Victorian religious controversy, in: Louvain
    studies 34 (2009/2010) 361-384;

W. ZYZAK, Der selige John Henry Newman über die gläubigen Laien, in: Zeitschrift für katholische Theolo-     gie 134 (2012) 40-54;