Heilige und andere Glaubensvorbilder
Augustinus und Augustiner
N. ADKIN, "Labor tam utilis" : Sallust in Augustine on the Vulgate/J. PALETTA, The "ordo sapientiae" : Augustine's program for philosophical study in his early works, in: Augustiniana 61 (2011) 49-53/55-74;

F.B. ASIEDU, The Song of Songs and the ascent of the soul. Ambrose, Augustine, and the language of
in: Vigiliae christianae 55 (2001) 299-317;

F.B. ASIEDU, Following the example of a woman : Augustine's conversion to Christianity in 386, in: Vigi-
    liae chri
stianae 57 (2003) 276-306;

AUGUSTINIAN STUDIES 39 (2008) (5-47: MacCormack, Sabine: Augustine reads Genesis/49-60: Teske,
    Roland J.: Augustine's inversion of 1 John 4:8/61-74: Meconi, David V.: Becoming Gods by becoming
    God'  s : Augustine's mystagogy of identification/75-100: Grimes, Laura M.: Augustine's influence on me-
    dieval women's theology : Gertrud of Helfta's "Herald of God's loving-kindness"/101-112: Bowery, Anne
    M.: You are what you read : reading the books of Augustine's "Confessions"/113-128: Harding, Brian:
    The use of Alexander the Great in Augustine's "City of God");

AUGUSTINIAN STUDIES 42 (2011) (173-188: Kenyon, Erik: The order of Augustine's Cassiciacum dialo- 
    gues/189-209: Langdell, Sebastian J.: "For you the lights in the firmament are created" : reading the persons
    of Augustine's Confessions/211-231: Toczko, Rafal: Heretic as bad rhetorician : how Augustine discredited 
    Pelagius/233-249: Meconi, David V.: Ora uel labora : Augustine and Cassian on the boredom of the heart);

AUGUSTINUS, Die Unruhe zu Gott, komm. und hg. v. O. KARRER (Topos plus 353) Kevelaer u.a. 2001;

L. AYRES, Into the poem of the universe : "exempla", conversion, and church in Augustine's "Confessio-
    nes", in: Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum 13 (2009) 263-281;

D. BAKER-SMITH, Who went to Thomas More's lectures on St Augustine's "De civitate Dei"? in: Dutch
    review of church history 87 (2007) 145-160;

P. BARNES, Augustine's view of history in his "City of God", in: The Reformed theological review 71
    (2012) 90-108;

J.P. BOWEN, Evangelism in Augustine's "Confessions" : ancient light on a contemporary subject, in: Toron-
    to journal of theology 22 (2006) 149-158;

K.Y. BURCHILL-LIMB, The actuality of Augustine's distinction between "uti" and "frui", in: Augustiniana
    56 (2006) 183-197;

D. CAPPS, Augustine's "Confessions" : the story of a divided self and the process of its unification, in: Ar-
    chiv für Religionspsychologie 29 (2007) 127-150;

M. CLAES, Limitations to "exercitatio mentis" : changes in rhetorical style in Augustine's dialogues/W.
    FRANCOIS, Augustinian Bible exegesis in Louvain : the case of John Hessels' commentary on 1 John 2,
    15-18A, beide in: Augustiniana 57 (2007) 387-398/399-424;

M.T. CLARK, Augustinian spirituality, in: Liturgical ministry 10 (2001) 195-198;

M. DOERFLER, "Hair!" : remnants of ascetic exegesis in Augustine of Hippo's De opere monachorum/M.P. 
    FOLEY, A spectacle to the world : the theatrical meaning of St. Augustine's soliloquies
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    early Christian studies 22 (2014) 

H.R. DROBNER, Augustinus als Redner und Prediger in Theorie und Praxis, in: Wort und Dienst 28 (2005)

S. DÜREN, Mit Gottes Gnade. Die Bekehrung des heiligen Augustinus, in: Der Mensch zwischen Sünde und
de. Theologische Sommerakademie Dießen 2000, hg. v. A. Ziegenaus, Buttenwiesen 2000, 145-178;

M. ENDERS, Die Regel des heiligen Augustinus. Ihr gedanklicher Aufbau und ihre Lehre vom Prinzip des
stischen Lebens, in: Wissenschaft und Weisheit 65 (2002) 24-61;

A.D. FITZGERALD, When Augustine was priest/E. PAPARAZZO, Augustine on symmetry, beide in: Au-
    gustinian studies 40 (2009) 37-48/49-74;

K. FLASCH, Harnacks Augustin, in: Adolf von Harnack : Christentum, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Wis-
schaftliches Symposion aus Anlaß des 150. Geburtstages, hg.v. K. Nowak (Veröffentlichungen des
Instituts für Geschichte 204) Göttingen 2003, 51-68;

B. GREEN, The protomodern Augustine? : Colin Gunton and the failure of Augustine, in: International
    journal of systematic theology 9 (2007) 328-341;

A. KOTZE, "The puzzle of the last four books of Augustine's "Confessions" : an illegitimate issue? in: Vigi-
christianae 60 (2006) 65-79;

A. KOTZE, The "anti-Manichaean" passage in "Confessions" 3 and its "Manichaean audience", in: Vigiliae
    christianae 62 (2008) 187-200;

Chr. LANDMAN, Augustine speaks with a pastoral heart, in: Acta patristica et Byzantina 11 (2000) 159-

G. LAWLESS, "Ex Africa semper aliquid novi" : the rules of Saint Augustine, in: Augustinian studies 36

C.P. MAYER, Zum Selbstverständnis Augustins als Bischof : "episcopaliter" (Confessiones 5,23), in: Würz- 
    burger Diözesangeschichtsblätter 74 (2012) 17-32;

Y. MEESSEN, De la facticité à la métaphysique : Heidegger a-t-il bien lu Augustin? in: Nouvelle revue thé-
128 (2006) 48-66;

A. MITTLER, Portraitskizze eines Kirchenmannes. Versuch eines Augustinus-Psychogramms, in: Werkstatt
    schwule Theologie 9 (2002) 4-9;

J. MORELL u.a., Commentaire de la règle de Saint Augustin / introduction et annotations par Agnès Barrier et
    Paul-Bernard Hodel, in: Mémoire Dominicaine 29 (2012)

B. MUTSCHLER, "Denn ich weiß durchaus nicht, welcher Gegend des Festlandes ich mich zuwenden und
    wo ich anlegen soll" : Augustins Bekehrung, in: Evangelische Theologie 70 (2010) 25-38;

H.A. PABEL, Augustine's "Confessions" and the autobiographies of Peter Canisius, SJ, in: Church history
    and religious culture 87 (2007) 453-475;

M.B. PRANGER, Time and narrative in Augustine's "Confessions", in: The Journal of religion 81 (2001)

F. RÖHRIG, Die Augustiner-Chorherren/W. ECKERMANN, Die Augustiner-Eremiten, in: Edith-Stein-
    Jahrbuch 8
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L.C. SIBLEY, Late have I loved you : Augustinian spirituality in book 10 of the "Confessions", in: West-
theological journal 65 (2003) 69-81;

T.A. SISEMORE, Saint Augustine's "Confessions" and the use of introspection in counseling, in: Journal of
    psychology and christianity 20 (2001) 324-331;

St. SQUIRES, "Contra Academicos" as autobiography : a critique of the historiography on Augustine's first
    extant dialogue, in: Scottish journal of theology 64 (2011) 251-264;

C.L. TROUP, Augustine : bishop of intellectuals, in: Listening 46 (2011) 69-79;

A. VISSER, How Catholic was Augustine? : confessional patristics and the survival of Erasmus in the Coun-
    ter-Reformation, in: The Journal of ecclesiastical history 61 (2010) 86-106;

W. WÜNSCH, Grundlagen einer christlichen Kultur und biblische Hermeneutik : Anmerkungen zu einem
    Büchlein von Augustinus von Hippo, in: Spannweite : theologische Forschung und kirchliches Wirken
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